What is a lash fill?
Fills are a necessary eyelash extension service required every 2-3 weeks. During a fill outgrown eyelash extensions are removed and replaced with a new lash extension. At the time of this service you are able to make changes to the lashes whether it is length, shape, curl, fullness or type of set. Fill pricing is strictly based on time and percentage of lashes left. Please come with 30-40% of your lashes left and within 4 weeks for fill pricing to be honored. You will be charged for a full set if you have less than 30% of your extensions left. Book accordingly based on the amount of time needed to achieve a full look. If a full set is needed, please let us know 24 hours prior to your appointment so we can schedule you accordingly as appointments are booked based off of time. If you are questioning please feel free to send us picture

Why are fill based on time?
Lash extensions are an extremely detailed and time sensitive service. Please be sure to be on time to your appointment so that way our professionals will have enough time to complete your desired look. Please see our policies for last minute cancellations and lateness.

Is your staff fully vaccinated?
Yes! :) Our staff is full vaccinated and boosted. We require masks to be worn at all times and proper sanitation and disinfection is completed prior to each service and in between every client to ensure the health and safety of not only our staff, but our customers as well.

Will Eyelash Extensions damage my natural lashes?

No. If applied by a trained professional with experience, eyelash extensions will not damage your natural lashes.

Can I put mascara on my eyelash extensions?
Please don’t! Applying mascara (especially waterproof) will ruin your eyelash extensions and may cause premature shedding of the extensions. Mascara applied onto your bottom lashes is okay.

What should I do before my Eyelash appointment?
Wash your hair and come with a clean face — no make-up on whatsoever, oils or face creams. This is to ensure the best retention and to jump start your aftercare. (we recommend washing your hair because the aftercare is to keep your lashes dry for 24 hours.)

What should lash extensions feel like?
NOTHING. You shouldn’t feel the extensions. If you can feel them they may be causing damage or be applied too close to your eyelid.

Can I still wear make-up?
Absolutely! Keep in mind, wearing a full face of make-up everyday with eyeliner, will effect the retention of your extensions. Be sure to remove all makeup every night with an oil free makeup remover like micellar water. The better care you take of your lashes, the longer they will last you.

Should I wash my lashes?
Yes, yes, YES! Please cleanse your lashes daily. Use our signature lash wash daily, so dirt, dead skin cells, and oil don’t accumulate. Washing your lashes daily ensures better retention!

How can I remove my lashes?
A lash removal should be done by a trained professional. If you can’t schedule an appointment, let extensions fall out naturally. Do not pick, pull or try to remove them using coconut oil - this could cause permanent damage to your natural lashes.

How long do eyelash extensions last?
This varies from person to person, and how well you follow the aftercare, but on average 2-4 weeks. We recommend to schedule a lash fill every 2-3 weeks. Extensions shed with your natural lash growth cycle, which is typically six to eight weeks long, which means if you wait too long between appointments, you might require a full set. Please keep in mind we naturally lose 1-5 lashes a day per eye. In order to keep your lashes looking their best, fills are required :)

How long are appointments?
Appointment times vary per person as we customize each set to out individual clients. Full sets range from 1.5-3 hours depending on the desired look and set. Fills range from 1-2 hours.

How long do I have to wait until getting my lashes wet?
24 hours. That means no washing your eyes, swimming or working out. Please avoid water, heat, steam, saunas and facials the first two days after a full set and fill. Getting your lashes wet within 24 may cause poor retention, meaning sooner lash fills.

Do you offer house calls?
Yes! Please email us at for house call inquiries. Pricing starts at $500+ will travel out of Los Angeles county for additional fee.

I have lash extensions on. Will you fill my lashes?
Outside studio fills are an option when booking at our studio. However not everyone qualifies for this. To see if you qualify for a foreign fill please text or email us photos of the current set you have on and a link to the artist or studios Instagram or Yelp. If an improper application was done, your lashes are currently hurting you, or you have little to know remaining extensions left, we will need to remove your extensions and start over with a full set. If a full set is needed, the removal fee will be waived.

I’ve had my lashes done before and they told me NOT to wash them, why do you ask clients to wash their lashes?
Bacteria, makeup, oil and debris build up along our lash line everyday. Proper extension care such as washing your lashes daily will not only keep your lashes looking their best and help them last longer, but it will also help you to avoid eye infections such as Pink eye, Blepharitis, Styes, and possibly developing an allergic reaction to lash extensions. Lash and eye health is our type priority and should be yours too! Please wash your lashes everyday!

I’m a minor can I get your services?
Absolutely! We welcome ages 12-17 for both skin and lash services. A parent or guardian must be present to sign consent forms at the time of your first appointment.

I’ve previously had a reaction to eyelash extensions, can I still get my eyelashes done?
Our studio has worked with clients who have previously had reactions and we’ve had success, however we cannot guarantee you will not have a reaction. If you choose to book an eyelash appointment and get a reaction there will be no refund, you will be getting them at your own risk. One the appointment has begun we have a no talking rule to limit any irritation. For further questions or inquiries please contact us at 310-804-6482

I’ve had a reaction to eyelash extensions, are there other options for me?
Lash lifts are a great alternative to lash extensions and require less maintenance. Lash lifts open the eyes and gives the appearance of longer, thicker, darker lashes and last up to 8 weeks.

Do you have a question that isn’t answered above? Call or text us! 310.804.6482